Primetime News

Biden Uses Earth Day To Attack MAGA Rivals

( - Standing in a patch of shade at Virginia’s beautiful Prince William Forest Park, President Joe Biden lamented the “overwhelming devastation” seen across...

Russia Suspected Behind Advanced Attacks On Commercial Aircraft

( - Between August 2023 and March 2024, 46,000 flights have reportedly been hit by electronic jamming attacks. Thousands of commercial flights out of...

Analyst Believes Trump is Facing Jail Time Over Gag Order

( - Attorney and former FBI general counsel Andrew Weissmann remarked that former President Donald Trump may be risking prison time. Prosecutors in Trump’s...

Prosecutors Want to Seize Boston Marathon Bomber’s Canteen Funds

( - Federal agents in Boston are seeking to confiscate over $4,000 from Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who was convicted of the Boston Marathon bombing. The incarcerated...

Kirby Says Biden Doesn’t Think Iran Attack Will Lead to Larger War

( - John Kirby, former assistant to the Secretary of defense for Public Affairs and current NSC Spokesperson, was caught off guard after Fox...

Funeral Home Owners Accused of Fraud

( - Colorado funeral home owners Jon Hallford and Carie Hallford face criminal charges for allegedly defrauding clients of the funeral home. The married...

Biden Claims He’s Considering Dropping Case Against Assange

( - Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, currently faces charges under the 1917 Espionage Act for publishing classified documents including a video of...

Idaho Governor Bans Gender Language in Schools

( - Idaho’s Republican Governor Brad Little signed a series of bills in recent weeks which opponents claim are designed to “target” transgenders in...

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