Cruz Blames Biden for Attacks on Israel

( – On April 19th, Republican Senator Ted Cruz, while on an episode of The Record With Greta Van Susteren, remarked that President Biden is at least indirectly responsible for the horrific attacks carried out against Israel.

Cruz included both the recent attack on April 14th, as well as attacks in October 2023 including the Nova Music Festival attack. The senator rationalized holding Biden accountable by citing the $100 billion that has been sent to Iran. Cruz then doubled down on his remarks, pointing out that 90% of Hamas funding comes from Iran.

The Nova Music Festival massacre saw over 360 young people lose their lives. The victims of the festival attack make up one-third of the total initial death count from that day. The Hamas-led attacks resulted in the deaths of over 1,200 people. Aside from the 364 festival attendees who were initially killed, an additional 50 survivors have reportedly taken their own lives since the incident. Recently some survivors have returned to the scene to attempt to grapple with the trauma. One survivor recounted hiding in a bush during the attack only to have to flee after the bush caught fire after a grenade exploded nearby. Cruz argues that these deaths could have been prevented had Biden not granted funds to “vicious enemies”.

During the sit down with Susteren Cruz continued to lambast the Biden regime, the senator emphasized that both the war in Ukraine as well as the current war against Israel were started under Biden. Cruz further asserted that Biden inherited “peace and prosperity” from former President Donald Trump’s time in office, only to undo Trump’s achievements. Cruz also pointed out that Biden has eased sanctions and allowed Iran to gain access to previously frozen assets. Cruz said that since Biden’s first day in office he has undermined the United States’ relationship with Israel, going as far as labeling the Biden presidency as the most “anti-Israel administration ” in American history.

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