Josh Hawley Calls DOJ To Investigate Dark Money

( – Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley has demanded that the Department of Justice investigate the funding behind the anti-Israel protests sweeping the nation.

In a letter, Hawley pressed Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate the funding of the protests. The senator argued that the protests are not naturally occurring. Some observers have pointed out that the supplies used by the protests, such as the tents and canopies, appear to be brand new.

Hawley claims that George Soros is using his network of non-profits to fund the anti-Israel encampments emerging at college campuses across the United States. Hawley also claimed that the Rockefeller Brother Fund as well as Susan and Nick Pritzker are behind the funding.

Hawley asserted that nonprofits and foundations are barred by the IRS from funding illegal activities. Hawley argued that the anti-Israel encampments are illegal. Even the less chaotic encampments are guilty of trespassing. Some universities have seen violent outbursts and confrontations with law enforcement. Some universities have even seen Jewish students barred from entering campus.

Supplies have consistently flowed into the anti-Israel encampments. Some have been delivered by volunteers sympathetic to the pro-Palestine cause. However, many of the supplies appear to have no known origin. Some goods imported into the illegal encampments have been seized by campus security and law enforcement.

The college-age anti-Israel agitators have repeatedly claimed that they are suffering and in need of “humanitarian aid.” Agitators at UCLA demanded goods including goggles, gloves, shields, rope, zip ties, “bright” flashlights, helmets, knee pads, and wood to construct barriers. Also included under “humanitarian aid” the encamped students demanded hot meals, gluten-free food, name-brand lotion but not sunblock, no nuts, no bagels and no bananas.

How the encampments are funded remains unclear. Senator Hawley maintains that the supplies imported into the encampments are being funded by antisemitic figures including George Soros. Hawley issued a letter to Attorney General Garland demanding “immediate answers.” Garland has not responded.

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