Northwestern Professor Directly Tied To Terrorists

( – On April 29th, Northwestern University struck a deal with anti-Israel extremist protesters.

A number of protesters demanded more dramatic action, claiming the University hasn’t met their demands. The move establishes a committee to oversee University commitments. The radical activists want Northwestern to denounce and divest from any organization that the protestors feel is pro-Israel or not supportive of Palestine. The agreement halted further protests on the campus. The protestors dispersed leaving behind piles of garbage and abandoned tents.

Reportedly almost 50% of protestors are not from the universities they’re protesting. For some, protesting is a hobby. Protest tourists will travel great distances to participate in protests that they have no connection to. For these “tourists,” the goal is not social justice, it is to be a part of the chaos.

Numerous professors have joined the student-led protests. In one instance faculty joined arms around a group of protestors in a show of solidarity with the anti-Israel extremists. Bill Ayers, a Northwestern professor supporting the protests, is the son of Bernardine Rae Dorhn and William Ayers, former leaders of the Weather Underground. The group’s 1974 manifesto calls for incapacitating the US government. On January 29th, 1975, the group set off a bomb at the US State Department in DC. The bomb destroyed or damaged at least 20 offices. The terror group admitted to be behind several bombings including at the US Capitol as well as the Pentagon. The group also bombed a San Francisco police department killing one person.

The group eventually claimed responsibility for 25 bombings across the country.

The group disbanded in the 1980s, but some members were able to avoid apprehension by law enforcement. Professor Ayers recounted how his parents paid for everything with cash, used false names, and traveled constantly. Ayer said he knew that this family were being pursued by the FBI. However, the Ivy League professor asserts he was too young to understand what the FBI was.

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