Republican Tears Into MTG For Damaging Party Image

( – North Carolina Republican Senator Thom Tillis excoriated Georgia Republican Representative, Marjorie Taylor Greene, asserting that she is a waste of time and a threat to the Republican party as she continues to use outlandish tactics to influence Congress.

Greene is known for her controversial statements including comments suggesting so-called “space lasers” could be the culprit behind severe forest fires experienced across North America.

Greene has meddled in numerous bills by inserting bizarre requirements. One such complication was adding a requirement that foreign aid be redirected to the development of ground-based energy weapons at the border similar to what Israel is developing to supplement their Iron Dome system. Greene sparked backlash from Republicans and Democrats alike after she included a requirement in the Ukraine foreign aid bill that would force members of Congress who vote for the aid for Ukraine to enlist in Ukraine’s military.

Greene has also made repeated attempts to stall funding for foreign aid packages. Despite Greene’s efforts to derail the aid package, the bill passed the Republican-controlled house on Saturday, April 22nd. The bill passed despite 112 Republican representatives voting against the aid package. Over 200 Democrats supported the bill along with 101 Republicans. Greene’s anti-Ukraine antics have garnered her the nickname “Moscow Marjorie”.

Green has created headaches for the Republicans in Congress including threats to remove Representative Mike Johnson as speaker. After the $61 billion foreign aid bill passed through the house, Green doubled down on those threats to remove Speaker Johnson, saying that his time as speaker is “over” and suggested the speaker is working “for the Democrats.” The bill totaled $95 billion including roughly $35 billion for Israel and other foreign allies.

Some congressional Republicans have expressed similar dismay at the “lame duck” speaker. Johnson could soon face a motion to vacate. In response to Greene’s threats, Johnson said he wasn’t concerned with the challenges put forth against him saying “let the chips fall”.

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