Royal Navy Under Fire Over Abuse Scandal Allegations

( – The US military is no stranger to scandal, nor is the Pentagon. Apparently the British military has very similar issues, especially when it comes to abuse scandals. What shocks us is that this continues to be a global issue – and that we have such closely intertwined relationships. So what on earth needs to happen to make this kind of criminal behavior stop? Let us know what you think. ~The Prime Chronicle Team

In October of 2022, The First Sea Lord Sir Ben Key initiated an investigation into sexual abuse allegations levied against the British Royal Navy. Whistleblower and former Lieutenant Sophie Brook reported that other women have come forward accusing officers of sexual misconduct. Brook claims she was raped by an as yet unnamed senior officer sometime after she joined the fleet in 2014. The senior officer is currently under investigation.

Brook claims that multiple other officers also abused her and other women during her service. Brook asserts that at least five other women have come forward with similar allegations of sexual assault. The women assert that the male officers kept a list called the “crush death rape” list. The women suggested that the list was to be taken literally and asserted that men intended to act on the list if given the opportunity.

In modern times Militaries worldwide have struggled to make space for female officers. Some service members have complained about changes made to military facilities to accommodate women including additional living quarters. When women were initially invited to join they were given lower physical standards to meet basic requirements. In 2016 the British Armed Forces averaged physical standards for the genders to allow women to enlist in combat roles.

Assault inside major militaries have been on the rise. The US armed forces report as much as a 25% uptick since 2018. In response, the United States military is aiming to hire thousands of psychologists to address the growing number of victims.

Brook has asserted that she has not seen any significant progress in the probe. As the investigation drags on, the former senior officer is concerned that the findings from the investigation could be swept under the rug to protect the British military’s image. Additionally, Brooks suggested that numerous women are actively being abused within the British military. Brook cited “misogyny” as the reason for the assaults.

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