Trump Belittles RFK Jr.: “Not a Serious Candidate”

( – When asked if he would debate independent presidential candidate Robert F. RFK, former President Donald Trump responded that RFK’s poll numbers were too low to be taken seriously.

Trump said he was not familiar with RFK or his platform. Trump suggested that he would be open to a debate if RFK’s poll numbers were considerably higher. Trump said that RFK is unlikely to hurt his campaign. However, Trump did express some uncertainty over just how much RFK voters would influence the election saying “I don’t know who he hurts”. At the same time Trump indicated that he had heard RFK was more likely to hurt Biden, but did not elaborate.

The presidential election is only six months away and stands to be one of the closest elections in American history. Commentators and pollsters are struggling to agree on which candidate is most likely to win the Oval Office.

RFK referred to Trump as one of the most talented debaters in modern political history. RFK suggested the two have a conversation discussing Trump’s accomplishments. RFK wants to give Trump a platform to spell out his goals and accomplishments without engaging in political games or hurling insults

RFK has faced harsh criticism for his stance on vaccines, including claims that vaccines cause autism as well as other biological changes. Trump has had his own controversies around vaccines. Trump’s vaccine rollout during his term still sparks outrage among conservatives who view the rollout as rushed. Attitudes towards vaccines could cost Trump significant points.

Even with Trump in hot water over his attitude towards vaccines, it is unlikely RFK will steal any significant number of Trump votes. On the other hand, Biden and Democrats are making major efforts to subdue RFK. One such effort included summoning a number of extended Kennedy family members to show support for Biden. Notable Democrats have suggested ploys to convince independent voters that voting for third-party candidates is “not safe”.

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