Tulsi Gabbard Accuses Dems Of Playing God

(PrimeChronicle.org) – Tulsi Gabbard accused liberal elites of “playing God.”

The former Hawaii representative pointed the finger at leftist ideological trends that degrade women and deny the existence of biological differences between males and females. In 2020 Gabbard introduced two bills that would mandate male athletes to exclusively participate in male competitions, and that female athletes can only participate in female competitions. Gabbard’s first bill covered protections for adult women, while her second ensured the same protections for young girls.

The bill was lambasted by extremist Democrats as transphobic and dangerous, and accused Gabbard of “attacking trans youth.” Extremists further asserted that trans-identified individuals “belong” in sports. One left-wing extremist insisted that Gabbard’s comments on the transgender discourse damage “trans kids.”

Both bills would have barred federal funds from being used for programs that allow males to participate in female sports.

In May 2024, Gabbard asserted that the Biden administration is using government resources to erase Christianity. Gabbard is a practicing Hindu, but has spoken about her deep appreciation of Christianity. Gabbard believes in freedom of religion and asserts that elite democrats want to remove God in order to exert ultimate authority over the United States.

Tulsi Gabbard is one of a handful of hopefuls at the top of Trump’s list of potential running mates for the upcoming presidential election. Before being considered for the position in Trump’s White House, JFK offered Gabbard the opportunity to join his independent ticket as his running mate. Gabbard turned down the offer.

Gabbard doubled down on her claims that the Biden administration is abusing power, describing Democratic elites as ideological warmongers. Gabbard insisted that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris cannot be left in power and suggested that a Biden-Harris win would be apocalyptic for the country.

Tulsi Gabbard is an Iraq Veteran and former representative for Hawaii. She is also the first Samoan-American and the first Hindu elected.

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